In person visits with an agenda/project
Getting to know the people who are investing our clients money in person is important to us, as well as developing a strong information flow framework.
We have found that the fund managers that we recommend are readily available to meet with us as long as we are making good use of their time. We arrange our meetings in Australia and New Zealand (or on Video Conference) well in advance.
We send our questions/project in advance, and request to receive responses in writing in advance so that we can analyse them and focus our in person time with the fund managers.
These are an opportunity for us to learn more about the Fund Manager's values, style, personality and learn more than the words written on the page, but also to test the validity of the words that are written and make sure that the Fund Manager is actually doing what they say they are doing.
Where possible all three advisers attend these meetings to enhance our knowledge, but also because we all have different perspectives and ask different questions.
Moneyworks NZ Ltd
P: 0800 225 621
E: contact@moneyworks.co.nz
P O Box 1003, Cambridge 3450
Licensed Financial Advice Provider - FSP 15281
Regulatory Information: Moneyworks is a Licensed Financial Advice Provider (FSP15281), and AML Reporting Entity and is supervised by the Financial Markets Authority.