'Make My Money Matter' is a British charitable organisation that is raising the profile of issues that fall under the label of 'ethical investing'. They have the ability to get famous actors to do short skits highlighting the issue. - see the video links below this blog post.
The first one that we showed you was Olivia Colman as 'Oblivia Coalmine' - see the video here https://makemymoneymatter.co.uk/oblivian/ or on the link below
The latest video is Benedict Cumberbatch putting the heat on rainforests - see the video here - https://makemymoneymatter.co.uk/lumberjack/ or on the link below
There are other short videos on the site as well.
Just some light entertainment...
But - as our own New Zealand charitable organisation Mindful Money points out:
"Our 2023 research reveals the scale of the problem here in New Zealand: KiwiSaver and managed fund investments in deforestation-linked companies sit at $68 million - with $40 million coming directly from KiwiSaver funds.
Despite 145 governments pledging to halt deforestation, financial institutions keep funding the devastation of vital ecosystems across the Amazon, Congo basin, and South East Asia."