In February 2025, The Economist is starting a new podcast series about a global scam that managed to scam $47 million US from the CEO of a midwest American Bank. It requires a subscription (which we will get), but the concerning thing is that the producer has stated that scams are now a bigger international business than the drug trade. In response to that and to our clients requests, we will start providing you with more information on scams - it is the project in our annual review with clients.
We have received information from the FMA (Financial Markets Authority) about how you can subscribe to their warnings and alerts newsletter, this is the information in our first article.
Here is the link for the Economist podcast series Scam Inc
Your clients can sign up to the FMA’s Investor Warnings newsletter by signing up on this link - They can select “alert and warning updates” as the type of email communication they can receive from us.