This series of four videos was produced by the New Zealand Herald at the end of 2012.
We feel that they are a great introduction to KiwiSaver, answering lots of questions.
If these questions raise unanswered questions for you at the end of the video, ask us, go to and Ask us a KiwiSaver Question.
Nearly half of all New Zealander's are now paying into KiwiSaver but many people are still wondering what it's all about and what is actually happening to the money they are putting in.
Part Three: KiwiSaver Beginner's Guide
* When can I take my money out?
* How am I going to have it paid to me?
* What help can I get to buy my first home?
* How much can I expect to make?
* Can I take a break from paying in?
* Can the Government make changes to the scheme at any time?
KiwiSaver Beginners Guide - Part Three
If these questions raise unanswered questions for you at the end of the video, Ask us a KiwiSaver Question.
Other blog posts that might interest you:
Should you move your KiwiSaver between risk profiles?
I’ve heard that things are changing with KiwiSaver on 1st April 2013. What are the changes?
I am under 18 and enrolled in KiwiSaver. Do I have to make employee contributions?
If you have any thoughts or opinions that you would like to share, visit us at our Facebook or Linked In pages, and comment.
By Peter Church